Registrujte se za gledanje filma Je’vida.
Je’vida, u režiji Katje Gaurilof, istražuje gubitak jezika i etnički identitet kroz priču o ženi, pripadnici Skolt Sami manjine, zarobljenoj između finske i sami kulture. Film je osvojio tri Jusi nagrade za najbolju muziku, kostim i zvučni dizajn.
Register to watch the film Je’vida.
Je’vida, directed by Katja Gauriloff, explores the loss of language and ethnic identity through the story of a woman from the Skolt Sámi minority, caught between Finnish and Sámi cultures. The film has won three Jussi Awards for Best Music, Best Costume, and Best Sound Design.
Je’vida, u režiji Katje Gaurilof, istražuje gubitak jezika i etnički identitet kroz priču o ženi, pripadnici Skolt Sami manjine, zarobljenoj između finske i sami kulture. Film je osvojio tri Jusi nagrade za najbolju muziku, kostim i zvučni dizajn.
Register to watch the film Je’vida.
Je’vida, directed by Katja Gauriloff, explores the loss of language and ethnic identity through the story of a woman from the Skolt Sámi minority, caught between Finnish and Sámi cultures. The film has won three Jussi Awards for Best Music, Best Costume, and Best Sound Design.